
Bismarck, ND

Elevate Canine Academy Logo

We Make Sit Happen

Elevate Canine Kutz Grooming Logo

Fargo: (701) 707-1326

Bismarck: (701) 319-1710

Other Dog Programs

Not Only Do We Provide Obedience Training

We Work With the Most Difficult Dogs Which Includes 

Dogs That Are Reactive, Aggressive, Or Have Anxiety Issues

  Fargo: 701-707-1326

Bismarck: 701-319-1710

Not Only Do We Provide Obedience Training

We Work With the Most Difficult Dogs

Which Includes Dogs That Are Reactive, Aggressive, Or Have Anxiety Issues...


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Elevate Canine Academy:

Your Go-To for Unique Dog Training Programs

Looking for specialized dog training services? Elevate Canine Academy has got you covered. We offer a range of unique programs tailored to meet the needs of every dog and owner. From nail trims to school bite prevention programs, we ensure your furry friend is well-trained and well-cared for.

Our additional programs and services include:

  • Nail Trim Services - Is you dog a pain for their nail trims? Did you know we offer drop-in nail appointments for $25?
  • Service Information

    If your dog has been through our program, you can bring him or her by and we will trim their nails. 

    There is no need to schedule with groomers who are already booked solid. 

    We charge $25 for a nail trim, or you can buy a punch card for 10 nail trims for $200.

    If you would like to bring your dog in for a nail trim, reach out to Lainey at the Bismarck location or Ez at the Fargo location.  

  • School Bite Prevention Program - Are you a teacher of younger children? We will come to your classroom and discuss proper etiquette around dogs to prevent dog bites.
  • Program Information

    Children make up the largest population segment of reported dog bites, and it is typically from a dog that the child knows.  

    This happens for several reasons:

    • Kids don't respect a dog's boundaries when they want to be left alone. 
    • Children don't respect a resource such as a toy or food and will mess with the dog while the dog is guarding the resource.
    • Kids typically are very high energy and some dogs don't do well with that type of energy around them.  

    In this program, we come in and talk to kids about the proper way to interact with dogs. We provide a coloring book that talks about how we should interact with the dog. We also demonstrate with a dog the proper way to interact with the dog.

    If you are interested in this program, please reach out to laura@elevatecanine.com.

Need more details? Just get in touch with us!

Why You Need Our Unique Programs

Wondering why our services are a must-have? Here’s what sets us apart:

  • Specialized in reactive and aggressive dog training
  • Over 8 years of experience
  • Free estimates within the next business day
  • Locations in Fargo and Bismarck
  • Most services provided within a week

Contact us today to learn more about our programs!

Why Elevate Canine Academy?

Choosing us means you’re opting for the best for your dog:

  • We work with all types of dogs
  • We tackle the most difficult dogs
  • Our 2-week day training program is top-notch
  • Established in 2019 with numerous satisfied clients

Ready for a well-behaved dog? Call  now!

Reach Out to Elevate Canine Academy

Have questions or ready to get started? We’re here to help. Request a call back from Elevate Canine Academy and let us take your dog’s training to the next level.


Locally Owned and Operated

We have two convenient locations in Fargo and Bismarck, ND.

Call today for a free estimate!


(701) 707-1326


(701) 987-1250

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